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  • hanmadeessentials

Liquid Collagen: Revolutionizing the Industry

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Do you currently use a liquid collagen?

Do you love the benefits of collagen?

Did you know that the sterilization process to ship liquid collagen also sterilizes most of the health benefits?

doTERRA just launched a new collagen that you activate yourself! It ships as a powder and you add to water only when you are ready to use it giving you the FULL benefit of a liquid collagen!

I have been using doTERRA product's now for over 7 years. And they have not had a collagen option at all in those years. I have tried powder collagen and liquid collagen from many other brands. And I'm not going to say that they didn't work. I liked a lot of the ones I tried and there were definite benefits. However, the science behind this new collagen has me blown away!


Metabolic Health - Why is it important?

Our metabolic health affects more than just our metabolism! Metabolic health includes factors such as blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, and more. Focusing on several key factors such as diet & supplementation, stress management or exercise can positively impact your metabolic health. Good metabolic health means that your body can absorb the nutrients it needs from food without creating spikes or dips in blood sugar, blood fat or insulin levels!

Why does good metabolic health matter?

A study was published the summer of 2022 showing that less than 7% of Americans have optimal cardiometabolic health! That's staggering. You might ask, How did this happen? That will be a discussion for a later post. But in a nutshell, poor lifestyle decisions have created this dilemma. Did you know that lifestyle decisions can affect your physical appearance? Hear me out! Have you ever noticed that two people of the same age can appear to be different ages because of how their body looks as it ages? This is a reflection of metabolic health. Our metabolic health and biological health are inseparable. Biological age is simply how old, or young, your cells appear to be. This age is based on the health of the cells, how well they function and how they act. Here's the kicker, biological age affects how we look as we age! However, your actual age doesn't always match your appearance. And your cellular health doesn't always match up with your actual age!

This can be for good or for bad! It's all in how you either proactively nurture your body or sit back and do nothing! So, what can we do to increase our cellular health?

Aging, Metabolic Health & the Anti-Aging Industry

Remember, biological age is how well our cells function. This means aging happens from the inside out! Young & Healthy cells equals a Young & Healthy appearance; Weak & Struggling cells equals a Weak & Struggling appearance! Our metabolism affects our energy, weight, body composition, sleep and cognitive performance! A change in our metabolic health can have a drastic influence on our quality of life!

Your actual age, or numerical age, is the number of years in your life. Biological age, however, is determined by the function and ability of the cells in your body! The anti-aging industry is one of the fastest growing industries. And, do you know why? Everyone wants to look and feel younger!

You can find creams, lotions, pills, powders, supplements, and you name it that guarantee you a better life with extreme results for better skin, energy, weight loss, and more! Unfortunately many of these products are filled with harmful toxins that can actually do more damage to your body. Nor is there sufficient research or studies to prove the exciting claims they offer. What if you could find a solution - a real solution that was natural, toxin free, and had the research to back every claim?

Introducing, MetaPWR Advantage!

MetaPWR Advantage - Collagen to the Rescue!

MetaPWR Advantage is more than just collagen. This product was developed after years of careful thought and selection for each ingredient!

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body! How many types of collagen do you think we have in our body? I honestly thought between 2 or 3. Can you believe we have 28 different types of collagen? Collagen is key to our ligaments & tendons working properly. It's important for our skin health - providing elasticity and firmness. Although we naturally produce collagen, our bodies slowly stop this production around age 25! Simply put, we need to add collagen to our diet to help support our body!

This collagen was designed to help promote healthy aging by increasing our body's supply of NAD+, NADH & collagen. Don't go running yet! I'll break this down to show how that helps our body so much! NAD+ is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and it is crucial for our bodies! Our metabolic system cannot function with it! Our bodies produce NAD+ and NADH naturally, however, production slows around age 25 and continues dropping as we get older. This is why smart supplementation is so important for our metabolic health. By incorporating proper supplements into our diet, especially those with NMN (nicotinamide mono nucleotide) or NAD, we can boost our metabolic health while slowing signs of aging! Take a look at these graphics to see the amazing ingredients in this collagen!

MetaPWR Advantage comes in easy to use single serving sachets. Taking just one sachet per day will give your body the support it needs to maintain optimal metaoblic health!

If you already have a doTERRA membership, log in and order your kit today!

If you do not already have a doTERRA membership, and would like to order this, click this link!

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